Structural Biology Instruments

Contact: Dr Matthias Floetenmeyer
Structural Biology & Cryo TEM Lab Manager

Located in the Queensland Bioscience Precinct, the Structural Biology facility is a laboratory that was purpose-built for standard and cryo-TEM sample preparation and analysis, as well as electron tomography of both resin-embedded and cryo-samples (for three-dimensional analysis).

UQ Remote Operation Crystallization and X-ray Diffraction Facility is located in the Queensland BioScience Precinct at The University of Queensland.  Protein Crystallography provides access to equipment for protein crystallization, crystal imaging and X-ray diffraction.

Queensland Bioscience Precinct (QBP)
Chancellors Place
Building 80
Ground Level
St Lucia, Queensland, 4072


JEOL JEM-1011 TEMLeica UC6-FCS Cryo-Ultramicrotome 
FEI Vitrobot Mark 2, Automatic Plunge-FreezerBaltec MED-020, Carbon Coater/Glow Discharge Unit
Baltec HPM-010, High Pressure FreezerLeica EM GP2
Refeyn mass-photometry systemDiener Femto Plasma Cleaner
JEOL JEM-Z300FSC (Cryo-ARM300)JEOL JEM-Z200FSC (Cryo-ARM200)
Safematic CCU-010 Compact Coating UnitZeiss LSM 900 With Airyscan-2 for Cryo-CLEM