Zeiss LSM900 at CMM is an upright confocal light microscope with Airyscan-2 for super-resolution imaging.

In combination with the Linkam CM196 Cryo-microscopy stage the system allows users to acquire high resolution fluorescent images of frozen hydrated cells that have been cultivated and cryo-fixed on EM sample carrier.

Fluorescent imaging under cryogenic conditions not only reduces fluorescence fading by a great amount, but also allows to directly transfer these cells into one of CMM’s cryo-transmission electron microscopes for cryoEM imaging.

Fluorescent labelled structures identified on the light microscopy level thus can be directly spatially correlated with high resolution cryo-EM images.

Available lenses:

C Epiplan-Apochromat   5x/0.2 DIC (FWD=21mm)
EC Epiplan-Neofluar    10x/0.25 DIC (FWD=9.3mm)
Plan-Apochromat20x/0.8C (FWD=0.55mm)
C-Apochromat    40x/1.2 W Corr (FWD=0.28mm at CG=0.17mm), UV-VIS-IR
C Plan-Apochromat63x/1.4 Oil DIC (FWD=0.14mm)
LD EC Epiplan-Neofluar100x/0.75 DIC (FWD=4.0mm)
EC Epiplan-Neofluar100x/0.9 DIC (FWD=1.0mm)

Location: QBP Building 80

Contact: Matthias Floetenmeyer m.floetenmeyer@uq.edu.au