CMM instruments may be utilised at any time as the Centre is accessible 24 hours a day. Clients may be trained to use the instruments themselves or can have their work performed for them (Fee for Service) by highly qualified staff.
Click on the icon to access the information related to your project step.
Contact the Lab Managers to discuss your idea or email CMM (
CMM Director Professor Roger Wepf is available every Tuesday and Thursday between 12pm and 1pm. During these hours Professor Wepf will address any questions or concerns regarding the CMM laboratories.
The Microscopy Australia TechFinder can also help you find the techniques and facilites to suit your project best.
Login to the University’s Research Infrastructure Management System (RIMS) using your student ID number and password and select Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis facility (CMM). If you are UQ staff then please use your normal UQ credentials to login to RIMS.
From the home page select 'Request/start a new project' and complete the CMM Project Creation Form for the work you want to do with your sample on a CMM instrument. If you are not sure which instrument you need then describe the aim of your project on this form and we will help you find the right equipment at CMM.
You need to provide a chart string (account number) on your project form. Please discuss this with your supervisor prior to submitting the form. When your project is submitted an email notification will be sent to the budget holder of the chart string to approve your project in RIMS. Your project cannot be processed until the budget holder has approved this in RIMS.
Budget holder approved projects are processed and reviewed every Monday during our management meeting. Projects should be submitted before 9am on Monday morning. (We will try to include last minute submissions, but this is not always possible). Following the meeting, you will receive an email from CMM that provides your project reference number and information about the onboarding process i.e. your PITSCHI training (getting your images off the instrument), lab safety inductions and instrument training.
All instrument bookings are made by you once you have reached a competence level after your novice training, selecting your project in RIMS.
You are welcome to submit more than one project at CMM e.g. you have a different sample that requires a new risk form.
(Please check the RIMS training hub for instructions to access the RIMS system and creating a project).
Below is an overview of the project workflow for UQ researchers through RIMS.
External clients
As an external client the first step is to set up your account profile by completing the User Account Creation Request in RIMS.
You will receive an email notification from the RIMS system when your account is processed. When you receive the email that your account is processed (been created) then please complete the project form in RIMS for the work you want to do with your sample on the microscope. Login to the system and from the Homepage click on 'Request/start a new project' and complete the CMM Project Creation Form.
New projects are reviewed every Monday during our management meeting. Following the meeting, you will receive an email from CMM that provides your project reference number and information about the onboarding process i.e. your PITSCHI training (getting your images off the instrument), lab safety inductions and instrument training.
Instrument usage is billed on a quarterly basis. You will be contacted by email with all the details on your instrument usage and how to arrange payment.
(Please check the training hub for instructions to create a new user account, as well as instructions for creating a project).
Fee for Service (we do the work for you)
This is a service that is offered at CMM and the work is charged per hour by calculating the instrument time as well as staff time. Staff rates below:
$56/hr - University of Queensland client
$79/hr - Associate client (other universities and government organisations)
$200/hr - External client (business and industry)
Example: $40 (Instrument XY) plus $56 (staff time) = $96 to invoice.
Independent User Access Fees
Billing is charged to your chart string (account number) that is linked to your project.
All CMM instruments are individually bookable under a set of fee rules (UQ staff login required).
Instrument Training for independent user
If you are undertaking your first block training course in SEM and TEM then you must commit to a training and skills enhancement credit fee of $460. When you have completed your training and you are competent on the instrument you will receive a credit (in the RIMS instrument booking system) for $460 which is approximately 10 hours of instrument access time and can be used for your research project to enhance your knowledge. The credit is available for 3 months from your initial training and is not transferable to other users or techniques.
One to one training sessions (where CMM staff assist a client on an instrument) will be charged per hour by calculating the instrument time as well as staff time. Staff rates below:
$56/hr – University of Queensland client
$79/hr – Associate client (other universities and government organisations)
$200/hr – External client (business and industry)
Example: $40 (Instrument XY) plus $56 (assistance) = $96 to invoice.
Once you have completed your instrument training, as well as the relevant laboratory safety inductions then CMM staff will provide you with your instrument booking rights in RIMS.
Clients are requested to acknowledge CMM in all publications generated through the assistance of CMM staff and the use of CMM facilities. When you are publishing your research, please remember to acknowledge the assistance of CMM staff, the role of our facilities and expertise. Acknowledgments demonstrate that investments in equipment and people have led to important outcomes. Your publications, presentations, and posters are a vital part of the business case for ongoing funding of any platform – “we help you and you help us”.
Please acknowledge CMM as follows:
"The authors acknowledge the facilities, and the scientific and technical assistance, of the Microscopy Australia Facility at the Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis (CMM), The University of Queensland"
In brief:
“The author(s) acknowledge(s) the support of Microscopy Australia at the Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis (CMM) at The University of Queensland”
If authors wish to single out CMM support staff, or –when appropriate– include them as co-authors(s), they, of course, are welcome to do so.
In addition, all published work that includes use of CMM should be reported to CMM administration and be collected in the CMM publication database. Therefore, please send a copy of, or reference to your paper to
Services for industry
Enabling Innovation and Quality Control:
CMM helps industry to analyse and characterise their materials and can help foster innovation in industry with its in-depth knowledge and multi-disciplinary team. We can add substantial value to industrial research and development (R&D) or failure analysis.
CMM offers consultation, testing services, access to instruments, contract research or even long-term research collaborations e.g. co-funded by government grants. All this can be tailored to the needs of your business.
We also train and support industry users through short courses and one-on-one sessions, allowing them direct access to our world-class instrumentation.
With expertise in biology, materials science, nanotechnology, biomedicine, metallurgy, geology, archaeology and more, we are committed to help meet your business needs and facilitate innovation for Australian industry and SME.
If you would like to discuss how your business could benefit from our services, please contact Professor Roger Wepf, (07) 3346 3966 (
If you have any questions regarding access to CMM facilities, please contact our Senior Client Liaison Officer Jenny Brown (