CMM Alumni

Laurie Carruthers operating the Elmiscope 1

Banner Image: “Siemens Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Elmiskop 1”, (the leading TEM of its day in 1958/60 – image from 1979).

Laurie Carruthers operating the Elmiscope 1; Otto Hirshfield Building, St. Lucia Campus, UQ.  Laurie was the lead technician/scientist at the Sydney EM Unit (EMU) under Dr. David Gordon Drummond in 1958 before he moved to UQ to head the EM unit.

The Elmiscope 1 is still at UQ and on display at UQ Physics Museum.

Meet our CMM/UQ alumni who helped many researchers and shaped the CMM.

Richard Webb
Graeme Auchterloni
Kevin Jack


Andrew Stark


John Drennan
Karl Byriel
Wendy Armstrong