The 4th CryOZ Symposium will be hosted by The University of Queensland and will feature talks from researchers and field leaders regarding the development and application of cryo-electron microscopy techniques to answer fundamental biological questions. CryOZ will highlight the latest advancements in Cryo-EM in Australia and feature presentations from vendors regarding the latest developments in instrumentation and software.
This symposium is a great opportunity for students, postdocs, professional staff, ECRs, MCRs and senior investigators to interact, discuss and present their findings. The two day meeting will feature poster presentations and mini-orals as well as selected speaking slots.
Workshops: 21-22 November
Location: CMM/Structural Biology Laboratory, Queensland Bioscience Precinct,
Building 80
Symposium: 23-24 November
Location: Abel Smith Lecture Theatre, Building 21, Room 101
CRYOZ 2023 - program and registration
All welcome!