Handbook of Mineral Spectroscopy

20 November 2020

The CMM congratulates Dr Barry Wood and Dr Theo Kloprogge on their latest endevour - The Handbook of Mineral Spectroscopy Volume I: X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy.  Barry is a CMM and UQ stalwart, who retired in 2019 after 50 years of service at UQ including over 35 years establishing and managing its XPS facilities.

The Handbook of Mineral Spectroscopy Volume I is an accumulation of a 15-year collaboration between Barry and Theo on the analysis of minerals by a range of techniques including XPS. Five-years in its preparation this tome brings together and greatly expands the limited information that was previously available on the XPS of minerals and provides referential material for over 200 minerals which have been measured by the authors.

This comprehensive treaty is expected to be a go-to-guide for those working with minerals and can be found both online or next to the XPS instrument in the CMM X-ray Diffraction, Spectroscopy and Imaging Laboratory.

