Protein Crystallography Related Links


  • Australian Synchrotron
    CMM coordinates South East Queensland macromolecular crystallography access to the Australian Synchrotron though the Collaborative Access Program with access to MX1 and MX2 beamline time.  Contact CAP coordinator Dr. Kasun S Athukorala Arachchige for any queries.  Further information on MX Beamlines can be found on the ANSTO Macromolecular Crystallography webpage.
  • Rigaku ACTOR
    More information and a video showing how the ACTOR works.
  • Internation Union of Crystallography
  • The IUCr is an International Scientific Union. Its objectives are to promote international cooperation in crystallography and to contribute to all aspects of crystallography, to promote international publication of crystallographic research, to facilitate standardization of methods, units, nomenclatures and symbols, and to form a focus for the relations of crystallography to other sciences.
    The Society of Crystallogaphers in Australia and New Zealand (formerly the Society of Crystallographers in Australia) is an organisation whose members are scientists whose interest are in the general area of crystallography. The society has about 200 members mainly in Australia and New Zealand but with members worldwide.
  • Hampton Research
    Crystallization Screen Conditions
  • How to clean a cryoloop
    The proper way to clean cryoloops without damaging them.
  • Formulatrix
    Makers of the Rock Imagers
  • Phenix
    Phenix Software
  • CCP4
    Collaborative Computational Project No. 4 Software for Macromolecular X-Ray Crystallography
  • COOT
    Coot is for model building, model completion and validation
  • HKL2000
    HKL, Denzo and HKL2000
  • Sharp
    Sharp and AutoSharp for phasing
  • CrystalClear
    CrystalClear provides a complete, unified graphical user interface for data collection and processing of single crystal X-ray diffraction images from two-dimensional position sensitive detectors such as imaging plate area detectors and charged-coupled device (CCD) detectors.
    Mosflm is a program for integrating single crystal diffraction data from area detectors. It is assumed that the experiment was conducted using the Arndt-Wonacott oscillation method, and also that monochromatic radiation was used. Mosflm can process data from a wide variety of modern area detectors, e.g. from Mar Research, Rigaku/MSC, ADSC, DIP etc.
    SHELX is a set of programs for crystal structure determination from single-crystal diffraction data.
  • International Tables for Crystallography.
    full access to International Tables from within UQ (Note we can only access the 2006 version)
  • RockMaker Web access
    Access to RockMaker crystallisation plate viewing via web browser
  • UQ OH&S Online Analytical X-ray Safety Course
    pre-requisite to becoming a licensed X-ray user.
  • Queensland Health Radiation License Application
    Must be completed when applying for a license
  • Molecular Dimensions
    Crystallization Screen Conditions from MD
  • Other Crystallisation Centres
    CSIRO C3 centre's links to other Crystallisation Centres
  • UQ eSpace
    UQ digital repository