Researcher biography

Brett completed a BSc (Hons) in Chemistry at The University of Queensland in 1997, and went on to complete a PhD (Chem) at the University of Queensland investigating Ciguatoxins. From 2002 – 2006, Brett worked as a post-doctoral researcher at Cork Institute of Technology in Ireland using mass spectrometry to study various phycotoxins affecting water and seafood in Ireland. From 2006-2008, Brett was a research officer at the Protein Discovery Center at QIMR focusing on electrospray methodologies for proteomics. During 2008 – 2016, Brett worked at the Mater Hospital in the Pathology department on a range of different mass spectrometry based projects. In particular, Brett developed a number of different pipelines for Imaging Mass Spectrometry while at the Mater. In 2017, Brett moved to UQ as the result of a joint initiative between CMM and CAI and relocated the Imaging Mass Spectrometry facility from the Mater to UQ.