
This microscope is an upright confocal with powerful and robust imaging capabilities. Images are high-quality with low-noise, and high-contrast thanks to high-efficiency scan heads and detectors, coupled with Nikon’s high-performance objectives. Two options of spectral imaging: fast and accurate 32-channel spectral detector or high-sensitivity GaAsP detector for tuneable, user defined emission bandwidth ranges.

Suitable for:

  • Imaging fixed or risk group 1 biological material and soft matter
  • Imaging capabilities: DIC, Brightfield, Fluorescence (3 filters: DAPI, FITC and TxRed) and Confocal spectral imaging within 400-720nm range
  • No camera for widefield and fluorescent images but detectors provide high-quality confocal images


  • Fully motorised X-Y-Z stage; z-step 0.025µm
  • Tiled imaging
  • Multi-position imaging
  • Spectral imaging - fast and accurate 32-channel spectral detector or high-sensitivity GaAsP detector
  • Intelligent, user-friendly software that is capable of programming complex imaging regimes - NIS Elements AR (advanced research) imaging and analysis software


PositionModelMagnificationNAWD (mm)ImmersionImaging mode
1Plan Apo λ10x0.454.0DryBF, FL
2Plan Apo λ20x0.751.0DryBF, DIC, FL
3Plan Apo λ40x0.950.25-0.17DryBF, DIC, FL
4TU Plan Apo50x0.802.0DryBF
5Plan Apo λ60x1.400.13OilBF, DIC, FL
 TU Plan ELWD100x0.804.5DryBF, long WD, limited FL*
* transmission rate for 405nm-436nm is around 50%, 436-656nm is around 70%


LU-N4/LU-N4S laser unit: a compact laser unit pre-installed with four lasers - 405 nm, 488 nm, 561nm, 640 nm.

2 options for spectral imaging:

C2-DUS Spectral Detection Unit

  • Allows acquisition of 32 channels of fluorescence spectra over a 320nm wavelength range with a single scan
  • Number of channels: 32, 
  • Wavelength detection range: 400 - 750 nm, 
  • Spectral image acquisition speed: 2 fps (256 x 256 pixels) 
  • Maximum pixel size: 1024 x 1024 (Spectral mode/Virtual filter mode), Wavelength resolution: 2.5/5.0/10.0 nm, 
  • Wavelength range variable in 0.25 nm steps

C2-DUVB GaAsP detector unit  

  • Fully tuneable emission detector unit capable of spectral imaging with user defined emission bandwidths in Galvano imaging modalities.
  • Number of channels: 1 GaAsP PMT with variable emission plus 1 optional GaAsP PMT (C2-DUVB-OP) with a user-defined dichroic mirror and barrier filter, 
  • Wavelength detection range: 400 - 720 nm, narrowest: 10 nm, broadest: 320 nm, 
  • Maximum pixel size: 2048 x 2048 (CB mode/VB mode), 
  • Wavelength resolution: 10 nm, 
  • Wavelength range variable in 1 nm steps

Fluorescent Filter Sets:

PositionNameExcitationDichroic EmissionSuitable Dyes
2DM415362-396432-8DAPI, Hoechst
3DM505465-495512-558FITC, eGFP, AF488
4DM595540-580600-660TxRed, mCherry

Location: AIBN Building 75, Room 114

Contact: Nicole Schieber