Two Hitachi HT7700 120kV TEMs are located in the AIBN laboratory.  Both are equipped with a dual-focus objective aperture and so are capable of swapping between high contrast and high resolution modes.  These microscopes are easy to use and ergonomically designed. Without a viewing chamber the microscopes have instead, a screen camera so all operations can be performed digitally sitting in front of a computer screen, rather than the microscope column.  Both microscopes also have a AMT xr401 4Megapixel scientific CMOS camera which allows for up to 16bit (high sensitivity) and fast data acquisition (for more details please see xr401 camera spec sheet).

The instruments are configured differently:

• The Hitachi HT7700 A is equipped with a LaB6 filament and has an Exalens system which consist of a special objective lens configuration, achieving a smaller spherical aberration coefficient and so high resolution, 0.144nm at 120kV.  It is cabable of STEM imaging with both bright field and dark field detectors. It also has a Bruker EDS system for elemental analysis.

• The Hitachi HT7700 B is equipped with a tungsten filament and operates between 80 and 100 KV for general imaging.

Several holders are available for use with these microscopes:

• Standard single specimen holders

• Multi-specimen holder taking three grids

• Double tilt holder

• Low background holder for X-ray analysis

These microscopes are incredibly versatile and will suit viewing and analysis of a wide range of samples from
both the materials and biologicals disciplines.

Location: AIBN

Contact: Nicole Schieber on

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