FEI Scios FIB - Dual Beam SEM
The FEI Scios DualBeam system is a combination of two systems: a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and a Focused Ion Beam (FIB) system. While the SEM produces high resolution images of a variety of specimens in a digital format, the FIB is capable of fast and precise site-specific milling of the specimen material, revealing the structure under the surface layer, making cross sections, deposition layers, etc. The integration of both systems yields a powerful analytical tool that delivers outstanding 2D and 3D performance for a broad range of applications. The SCIOS is equipped with three in-lens/column SE/BSE detectors, Everhart-Thornley SE detector, ICE detector (secondary electrons and ions), retractable segmented under lens BSE detector, and STEM retractable segmented detector (BF, DF, HADF, HAADF). An Oxford Instruments AZtec integrated EDS-EBSD system is installed for elemental composition and crystal structure characterizations. This instrument is fitted with four Gas Injection System (GIS) units for beam-induced deposition or etching purposes: Platinum, Silicon Oxide, Tungsten and Selective Carbon Etch. The system also offers a package of software applications for automated sequential mill and acquire of series of slice images and EDS (chemical maps)/EBSD (texture or orientation maps) maps and subsequent 3D reconstruction.
Location: AIBN
Contact: Hui Diao on h.diao1@uq.edu.au