This system is a quadrupole time of flight (QqTOF) system. While it is typically used over 50 - 3000 m/z at mass resolution in the vicinity of 20k, it can be operated up to 20,000 m/z. Being a QqTOF system, MS2 spectra can be obtained, both as MS-ALL and as MSMS (with isolation of the precursor). As the system is configured presently, samples can be infused and analysed by electrospray (ESI) or as a solid using the Atmospheric Pressure Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionisation (AP-MALDI) source. Fragmentation spectra are possible when using the AP-MALDI source, and MALDI imaging is also achievable. While AP-MALDI may not be as sensitive as vacuum MALDI, we have observed better fragmentation of precursors in some instances and better mass accuracy because the mass resolution and mass accuracy is not affected by the tissue topography as is the case for MALDI-TOF/TOF systems.

Location: Hawken Building #50 (Room L104)

Contact: Brett Hamilton:

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